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2025 Google Cloud 出海峰会活动报名表

感谢您关注 2025 年 1 月 8 日在深圳举办的 2025 Google Cloud 出海峰会。席位有限,请填写下方报名表提交申请。我们稍后将通过您提供的联系方式发送报名通知。 Thank you for your interest in Google Cloud Summit Shenzhen ’25 held on January 8. Space is limited, please complete this form to request attendance in person. Our team will follow up with you if a spot is available.

  • 例如:+86 12345678900 , eg: +852 12345678

  • 参加此次活动,即表示我同意 Google Cloud(本次活动的主办方)出于任何目的使用我在此次活动中被拍摄的照片和/或视频,无需对我进行补偿。 By attending the event, I acknowledge that Google Cloud (the host of this event) may use photographs and/or video taken of me at this event for any purpose without compensation to me.
  • 我们将仅在为实现上述目的所需和法律法规要求的时限内保留您的个人信息。如果您希望在以后的某个时间取消活动邮件的订阅,或者提出访问、更新或删除数据的请求,请通过组委会邮箱 联系我们。 We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the above purpose and within the time required by laws and regulations. If you wish to opt-out of event emails at a later time, or make a request to access, update or delete your data, reach out to
  • 您所提供的信息将受到 Google 隐私权政策的约束。我们将仅出于确认您的身份, 组织您注册报名的活动或项目以及提供活动或项目相关信息之目的收集和使用您的上述个人信息。我们可能在活动或项目后使用您的个人信息与您联系以收集您对活动或项目的反馈,或向您推荐相关 Google 服务。为实现上述目的,我们会在必要时将您的个人信息传输至我们的关联公司和供应商。 The information you provide will be subject to Google’s Privacy Policy. We will only collect and use your personal information above for the purposes of confirming your identity, organizing and providing you information about the event or program which you signed up for. We may use your personal information to contact you to obtain feedback after the event or program, or recommend the relevant Google services to you. Where necessary for these purposes, we will transfer your personal information to our affiliate(s) and vendor(s).